Annual Report 2014


Sustainability summary

  • Energy efficiency improvements are of key importance both to business success and to reducing the ecological footprint of operations. With the New Downstream Program’s energy efficiency projects, significant achievements have been made in this field. The most important 35 projects saved an estimated 230 thousand tons in CO2 emissions per year by the end of 2014 compared to the baseline year 2011. The financial savings generated by these projects alone amounts to more than HUF 10bn, while the improvement over 2013 figures is also significant. Total CO2 footprint is, of course, affected by other factors, such as changes in production and portfolio.
  • Air emissions have been further decreased across refining operations as a result of both technology improvements and operational changes. Emissions of nitrogen-oxides (NO) across MOL Group refining operations amounted to 3.4 thousand tonnes in 2014, while these emissions were as much as 5.3 thousand tons per year before 2013. Projects resulting in this decrease include technology improvements and also the enhancement of monitoring and control systems.
  • There were no LTIs (Lost Time Injuries) during the year at major construction sites (Low-density polyethylene project in Slovnaft and the Butadiene Extraction project in TVK). Sadly one contractor fatality did occur at the Duna Refinery during lifting operations.
  • Achieving and maintaining a positive Safety Culture is one of the main goals for MOL Downstream business. To this end, several programs were introduced in 2014. One example is the Perfect Day Program in Refining and Petrochemicals businesses that tracks and monitors safety performance without using any defined targets, in the positive spirit of creating a best-in-class competition between operational sites, and celebrating milestones that are achieved. Another example is the behaviour-based ‘Program Zer0’ safety program in the Logistics division, as part of which a safety culture assessment was undertaken at five companies in 2014.
  • The Technical Capability Development (Petroskills) program continued in 2014. More than 950 employees were covered by theprogram in the Refining, Petrochemicals and Logistics divisions. The competency-based development process results in targetedtraining and development investments. The ultimate objective is to enhance operational excellence and operational safety.
  • The Bratislava Refinery of Slovnaft started a community engagement program called ‘Responsible Neighbour’. The program involves publishing a series of leaflets about refinery operations for neighbouring communities. These contain information related to refinery processes and their impact that may concern local residents who live around Slovnaft, such as flaring, water pollution, odours, smoke and noise. The documents have also been sent to local authorities and NGOs and are available on the public website of the company.